By attending this free seminar with complimentary meal, you will learn about:
• Saving up to 44% on funeral costs and reducing emotional overspending by preplanning.
• Three things every beneficiary should know, and how to protect the
• Sparing your family the emotional and financial burdens on one of the worst days of their lives.
• Peace of mind by making your decisions while your emotions are at rest, rather than leaving your family to make decisions for you.
• Doing it “your way” — How planning ahead puts you in charge.
Statistics show almost 70% are unprepared in one or more of these extremely important areas of planning.
Don’t be one of those statistics! Most of us keep putting this off… sometimes until we are too ill or until
something unexpected happens.
We have enclosed complimentary tickets for you and your guests!
Guest Speakers include:

Mark A. Schneider, Esq.
Probate and Estate
Planning Specialist

Therese Grida
Development Coordinator
Community Partnership on Aging

Bill A. Schneider
Funeral Director
Fioritto Funeral Service