Healing from your grief is not easy.
It’s a long, sometimes painful process.
We want to help you on your journey toward recovery. Here are some suggestions that can make a big difference in your progress toward healing:
Build a support team
Don’t try to go through the grieving process alone. Link up with a GriefShare grief recovery support group. It’s a place where you’ll find caring people who understand the issues you face. Our Group Finder will help you locate a group meeting near you.
Daily encouragement
Subscribe to “A Season of Grief,” our free daily email messages designed to encourage you. You’ll receive 365 uplifting messages that will help guide you through the healing process.
God, What Is Going On?
Death reminds us there is something terribly wrong with the world. Find out what it is, what God is doing to fix it, and how this can bring you hope and healing in God, What Is Going On?
Personal study
Our Help for the Journey section provides daily reading and exercises to help you dig deeper into the grief recovery process.
Our Featured Personal Help Resources provide books and MP3 audio CDs to help you through the recovery process.
GriefShare in Your Feed
Get a daily message of encouragement when you “Like” our Facebook page or “Follow” us on Twitter.