Why Does the Funeral Matter?

Why Does the Funeral Matter?

Today, we live fast-paced lives focused on instant gratification, immediate responses, and constant stimulation. We fill our minds with a barrage of entertainment and distract ourselves with our devices. In such an environment, moments of silence are increasingly...
Change can be Beautiful

Change can be Beautiful

As the leaves change this October, consider making a change that will bring long-term peace of mind. Pre-planning your funeral ensures that your final wishes are honored while protecting your family from difficult decisions later. Contact us today to get...
Can Animals Help You Grieve?

Can Animals Help You Grieve?

Grieving the loss of a loved one looks different for everyone. Each person has their own unique needs and ways of coping with a loss. But did you know that interacting with animals can actually help you grieve? Whether you feel overwhelmed by stress, struggle to keep...
The Value of Vigils

The Value of Vigils

Things happen in this world that break our hearts. In many cases, there’s nothing we personally could have done to prevent the events from occurring. Loosing lives, and in the midst of it all, as human beings, we must stand together and mourn together. This is why...